There is only one Earth. And while food’s impact on our planet might not be obvious, it is big1.
Eating more plants helps to lighten the load
Livestock need a lot of land. Increasingly this means sacrificing sometimes irreplaceable forest to make way for pasture.
Producing animal protein requires up to 17 times as much land as vegetable protein, up to 26 times as much water, and up to 7 times as much phosphate, a dwindling natural resource1. A gram of beef protein has 30 times the emissions of a gram of oat protein3.
We hope our nutrition-packed breakfasts will give people the confidence to move towards a more planet-friendly plant-rich diet.
Aiming to take waste out of the equation
One Earth is aiming for zero waste. We use reusable postal bags. When you receive your order, remove the products, fold up the bag and put it in the post – it comes return addressed with prepaid postage. Click here for more information.
We like to imagine that every time we welcome one of our bags back the planet breathes a tiny sigh of relief.
Eventually we hope to use home compostable cereal bags to reduce waste even further.
1Livestock’s long shadow – Food and Agricultural Organisation of the United Nations
2Quantification of the environmental impact of different dietary protein choices – The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition
3Dietary greenhouse gas emissions of meat-eaters, fish-eaters, vegetarians and vegans in the UK